City Planning and Development Board for Padang City
July 5, 2010
Hervan Bahar – Kepala Bappeda
Anida Krisstini – Head of Development Regional Division. Civil Enginer
Andi presented the TEREP booklet and GHI's plans for a model soil berm somewhere in the city.
- Government has plans to reconstruct of schools in the city center as evacuation structures.
- The northern part of Padang needs evacuation structures.
- Government has plans to make green spots in every neighborhood.
- Regarding TEREP:
- Land ownership is a problem.
- If the land is privately/community owned, then we need to campaign to the community.
- Very hard to make it into a public facility. Bappeda can help with funding for acquiring a site.
- If the land is publicly owned, then we need to coordinate with other government agencies.
- Bappeda is very interseted in developing the ex-airport (military) area. They have been wanting to make an evacuation route through this property. This area is currently fenced off and the community near the coast is cut off from evacuating to higher ground.
- Hervan Recommends that BPBD kota to lead the TEREP project. They will need to coordinate with the provincial level. They can coordinate with the governor to implement this idea in other places.
- Ibu Anida regarding TEREP design:
- Concerned with the strength of the soil berm during earthquake and tsunami loading
- Have we taken into account any evacuation facilities such as toilets, medical supplies in our design and cost estimates? (the answer is no)
- If a building is greater than 1,000 m^2, 30% of it is supposed to be provided for use as public facility.
- Wants to see more detailed soil investigation due to concerns with liquefaction and stability.