Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Meeting with KOGAMI

Meeting with KOGAMI
July 9, 2010

From Padang Summer 2010

Patra – head of KOGAMI
Location: Jl. Cindur Mato No. 9. Near LBA LIA

General comments on TEREP:
  • Easier to use land from the government
  • Private land in the city belongs to individuals and the community leader cannot get involved.
  • Private land in suburban areas belong to clans. Everyone has responsibility for the land but no one owns it.
  • Think about having a meantime use where the community can make money from. For example, a stadium that the community can rent out for events.

Regarding potential TEREP sites:
  • RW-17. Community is very willing to have something for evacuation. KOGAMI has done work here and they are very aware of the threat.
  • Museum. Too much heritage buildings. No chance of using this space.
  • Imam Bonjol. There are many motor bike promotions and exhibitions. Military gets money from these exhibitions they may not be willing to give up this land.
  • River site. People will not be willing to go towards the river during an evacuation. They see the river as a source of water.
  • Military site. They will let us build but they will not let the community to use the site. The military had promised to open the gates in case of a tsunami for evacuation. But after the September 30, 2009 earthquake, they did not open the gate for evacuation.

Meeting with Public Works Provincial

Meeting with Public Works Provincial
July 6, 2010

From Padang Summer 2010

Firman Dalil – head of PU Provinsi

Andi presented the TEREP booklet and GHI's plans for a model soil berm somewhere in the city.
  • Pak Firman thinks that hierarchy is a concern. City level government should be involved in the design. We will need input from the West Sumatra level government for anything related to policy.
  • There is a plan to have vertical evacuation buildings in every region (by the end of this year?). This includes mainly government buildings and schools. They would like to see our work on building assessments. We need to set up another meeting with him once we get our reports translated.
  • Plans to have the parking structure for the hospital to be rebuilt as an evacuation structure.
  • Has plans to redevelop the slum area across the river from Pangeran Beach hotel. The government has tried to move these people north but people refused to relocate because their businesses are there. The government now has plans to build apartment complexes in this area and develop the water front area.
  • Comments on potential TEREP sites:
    • Imam Bonjol. There are many heritage buildings around the area. This is an open space used by the community. We would need a comprehensive plan if we want to use this area. Ownership is unclear. Firman says that the military owns the land and the government uses it but we've heard other speculations as well.
    • Museum. Business area surrounding the site. We would need more thinking regarding the meantime use and urban planning is needed. We need to take into account the effect on the community since it is a very urban area. There are many different considerations for this area.
    • Military land (ex-airport). The government has been putting pressure on the military to give this land for horizontal evacuation. Decisions need to be made at the national level, in Jakarta. This could take a long time.

Meeting with BAPPEDA

Meeting with Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kota Padang (BAPPEDA, Padang)
City Planning and Development Board for Padang City
July 5, 2010

Hervan Bahar – Kepala Bappeda
Anida Krisstini – Head of Development Regional Division. Civil Enginer

Andi presented the TEREP booklet and GHI's plans for a model soil berm somewhere in the city.
  • Government has plans to reconstruct of schools in the city center as evacuation structures.
  • The northern part of Padang needs evacuation structures.
  • Government has plans to make green spots in every neighborhood.
  • Regarding TEREP:
    • Land ownership is a problem.
    • If the land is privately/community owned, then we need to campaign to the community.
    • Very hard to make it into a public facility. Bappeda can help with funding for acquiring a site.
    • If the land is publicly owned, then we need to coordinate with other government agencies.
    • Bappeda is very interseted in developing the ex-airport (military) area. They have been wanting to make an evacuation route through this property. This area is currently fenced off and the community near the coast is cut off from evacuating to higher ground.
    • Hervan Recommends that BPBD kota to lead the TEREP project. They will need to coordinate with the provincial level. They can coordinate with the governor to implement this idea in other places.
  • Ibu Anida regarding TEREP design:
    • Concerned with the strength of the soil berm during earthquake and tsunami loading
    • Have we taken into account any evacuation facilities such as toilets, medical supplies in our design and cost estimates? (the answer is no)
    • If a building is greater than 1,000 m^2, 30% of it is supposed to be provided for use as public facility.
    • Wants to see more detailed soil investigation due to concerns with liquefaction and stability.

Meeting with BPBD Provinsi

Meeting with BPBD Provinsi (Disaster Management Agency for West Sumatra)
July 2, 2010

In attendance: Harmensyah, Veronica, Lucy, Greg, Andi
Location: Across from the governor's house.

Andi presented the TEREP booklet and GHI's plans for a model soil berm somewhere in the city.
  • This organization was set up very recently.
  • Pak Harmensyah was very enthusiastic about the TEREP project. He suggested the military airport as a potential site and working with the military to use this land.
  • We later found out that in order for us to use the military land, we need to permission from the national level of the Army and meet with someone in Jakarta.

Meeting with BPBD Kota Padang

Meeting with Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah Kota Padang (BPBD, Padang)
(Disaster Management Agency for Padang City – governmental organization)

July 2, 2010

From Padang Summer 2010

In attendance: Yadrison, Ruswendi, Zamzami Dahlan, Dedi Hanidal
Veronica, Lucy, Greg, Andi, Fengky

This organization deals with disaster response in the city. They seemed to have supplies ready for emergencies and search and rescue.
  • Andi presented the TEREP booklet to the people who attended the meeting. Everyone was pretty excited about the TEREP idea and they are willing to work with other agencies to provide land and support for the project.
  • Very excited about the ideas presented in the TEREP booklet. Andi translated the booklet and gave them a copy.
  • They suggested a few potential sites for us to investigate.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Meeting with Teddy Boen

July 1, 2010

After a long morning at Andalas University, we got a ride from Pak Febrin's driver to the Klinik Konstrusi. A lot of people here have drivers to drive them around the city. Unfortunately, we cannot afford such luxury and have been taking mostly angkots (see Transportation), which is not a bad option.

Teddy Boen is a structural engineer from Jakarta who consults at the Klinik Konstrusi. He was very involved in the rebuilding efforts in Banda Aceh after the 2004 tsunami. He was at the clinic so we had an earlier-than-expected meeting with him.
  • He expressed his views on tsunami evacuation and how he doesn't think we should concentrate our efforts on that.
  • He claims that properly built, two-story houses on the coast can survive a tsunami.
  • He is concerned that poor people are moving away from the coast because of the tsunami warnings and rich people are taking over this prime real estate.

First Meeting with Professor Febrin

July 1, 2010

Professor Febrin has been great support for this project. We met with him to get help with contacting some government officials. We gave him a list of organizations that we wanted to meet with and he called the appropriate person right then and confirmed our meetings with them.

Another lesson learned: People here respond to phone calls and texts extremely fast. It is normal to take phone calls or text during another meeting. Sometimes we would have meetings where one or two of the people would drift in and out to take phone calls and such.

Meeting with President of Andalas University

July 1, 2010

Our very first meeting of the trip was with the President of Andalas University. Considering that we've never had such a meeting with the President of Stanford University, we felt honored that he took time to meet with us. It's great that this project has so much recognition.

After introductions, we talked briefly about the project and talked about the student exchanges that we've had so far. The President expressed interest in having further partnerships with Stanford University. Their students have to spend a semester away in another university (domestically or abroad) as part of their studies.

From Padang Summer 2010

We also met some of the civil engineering students and faculty. Right now it is exam time at the university so many of the students were busy. We are hoping to meet and work with more of them later in July.

An interesting thing about meetings here: there is always tea, coffee, water, or some sort of drink and maybe a snack. It is customary to serve your guests something to drink. Something to keep in mind in case someone ever wants to meet with us.

Indonesian Class (with example phrases)

--- written by Greg on 7/14/2010, Jakarta, 11:00pm, 9:00am PST ---

From Padang Summer 2010

Fengky organized a language class for us at Andalas. It has been incredibly helpful to understand some of the common words and phrases in addition to some of those that we will need when discussing tsunami and earthquake preparedness. The instructor, Ibu (Mrs.) Yetti, is a lively 60 year-old woman who tries not to speak English at all while we are in class. It helps a lot to figure out all of the little articles so we can make sentences rather than a series of words. We are now able to discuss our days with hardly any details, ask what time it is, and understand some of the signs on the streets and foods we see on menus. Additionally, we have learned how the Minang language (spoken by most in Padang) is different from the Indonesian language along with a few key words that we should know. Here is just a little sampling of what we know how to say without a dictionary:

Kami pergi ke pantai Padang untuk minum kelapa muda dan nasi goreng sehari hari.
We go to Padang beach for coconut water and fried rice everyday.

Apa? Kamu makan keju semua? Ada keempat minggu ini!
What? You ate all the cheese? That’s the fourth time this week!

Teman saya suka melihat futbol. Kami tinggal dengan orang dari Amerika, Inggris, Ivory Coast, dan Japang. Selamat datang ke Epcot di Padang, rumah kami.
My friends like to watch soccer. We live with people from the United States, England, Ivory Coast, and Japan. Welcome to the Padang’s Epcot Center, our house.

Kami belajar bagaimana walikota dari kota Padang jalan untuk evakuasi cepat cepat.
We are studying how the people of the city of Padang walk to evacuate quickly.


--- written by Greg on 7/14/2010, Jakarta, 11:00pm, 9:00am PST ---

Much like many of you probably do, we take public transportation to our meetings, the university, potential TEREP sites, and the Construction Clinic. What might be different is the music you listen to, the people you ride with, the age of the driver, and the color/stickers that are on the vehicle itself. We ride in angkots most of the time, which cost about 20¢ per ride to many places in the city. They are color coded depending on their route, but it does take a long time to understand the twists and turns it takes on its route. There is hip-hop or techno music, some love songs, but always very loud to attract the youth of Padang. We also ride the bigger buses to Andalas (just as colorful and loud), and sometimes take ojeks if it is late or somewhere hard to get to. Never a dull moment in transit (or traffic).

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Introduction to the Project

--- written by Greg on 7/14/2010, Jakarta, 11:00pm, 9:00am PST ---

It’s hard to believe that we have already been in Padang for more than 2 weeks. It has gone by incredibly fast since we have been keeping so busy every day. We’ll try to give you an idea of what we have been doing daily, with whom we have been meeting, and maybe a little of how life is in Padang.

First, although many of you reading know a good amount about the project, I think a little background as to why we are spending 2 months in Padang, Indonesia would be appropriate. For the past 1 ½ years, GeoHazards International (GHI) and Stanford Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW) have been working towards tsunami preparedness in Padang. This city is at the highest tsunami risk in the world, and the local government has not worked very hard to prepare its population of nearly 1 million, half of whom live within 1 km from the coast. Stanford ESW held a class in Spring 2009 to learn about the problem and come up with a few different ways to combat it, from vertical evacuation in buildings, to horizontal evacuation capacity in terms of bridges and other infrastructure in addition to more research into the earthquake and tsunami hazard. In the Summer of 2009, Kelly Wood and Scott Henderson from Stanford, and Veronica Cedillos from GHI, spent about 2 months in Padang researching buildings and the general capacity of the city to handle a catastrophic tsunami that is bound to happen in the next 30 years. On September 30, 2009, Padang experienced a M7.6 earthquake that destroyed many buildings in the city and made apparent the problems that the city will have with evacuation if there is in fact a tsunami (luckily it was only 12” rather than 20m).

Building on the research from the summer and that from the class in the Spring, ESW held a seminar in Winter 2010, led by Kelly Wood, that described to the new batch of Stanford ESW students the issues that Padang faces. After Adam Jongeward and I (Greg Rulifson) took a quick 10 day reconnaissance trip over Spring Break 2010 to work with the students at Andalas University (our partner university) and try to understand what is most important to address in the city with the students who were enrolled in the class for Spring 2010 that I led with Adam. We arrived at 4 teams for the 16 students in the class, who all did great work that we are able to use when discussing the potential of the different options (artificial hill - TEREP, retrofit, new building) that exist for vertical evacuation. This is incredibly important for those who cannot evacuate in time horizontally (away from the coast), so they need to be able to seek safety by getting above the flow of water. I will try to post the products that the teams produced by the end of the quarter that we are working with currently in Padang.

This project has been very successful with the support of the John A. Blume Earthquake Engineering Center, Stanford ESW, engineering firms in the Bay Area who have generously offered their expertise and time, and GeoHazards International who has a great interest in working with the students and engaging them in a real problem existing in the world today. Also, the project won a Mondialogo award, which allowed two students from Andalas University (Andi Syukri and Fengky Yoresta) to visit Stanford and San Francisco for three weeks at the end of the Spring quarter. We are very thankful to have been able to strengthen the bond and collaboration between the universities so this summer work is even more productive since we know each other well. And now, on to Summer 2010…

Lucy and I arrived in Padang from Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday, June 29th in the afternoon, greeted by Fengky, one of the Andalas University students who came to Stanford. A short bus ride and a walk brought us to our summer residence: the dorms at Fakultas Kedokteran (medical school). Andalas University has generously allowed us to stay there with other foreigners who are teaching at the university or doing research. They are all great people and a lot of fun to hang out with in the evenings to go to the beach or watch the World Cup games from 1-3am. Our cozy little room has worked out very well so far after a little fixing up to keep the mosquitos out, especially the refreshing bucket showers each day.